An oasis for those who love classic stories. Los Angeles Times

Don Carlos: Prince of Asturias

Nov 13 - 4pm PST

Don Carlos: Prince of Asturias

Oscar Emmanuel Fabela

Los Angeles (United States)

English (no Spanish subtitles)

Set at the peak of the Spanish Inquisition, ‘Don Carlos: Prince of Asturias’ takes us to 16th-century Madrid: a world led by misogynistic patriarchy in which the one-sided view of religion and state ruled the world with fear tactics in attempts to cleanse the population.

Don Carlos was heir to the Spanish throne after the most powerful king in Spain, King Phillip II, but Carlos’ unusual physique and personality, as well as his ostensible sexual deviance, made him unfit to rule in the eyes of an intolerant Spain. Don Carlos was seen as different and therefore immoral, thus the Royal Court would stop at nothing to ensure that Don Carlos never ruled the mighty, pure, and golden kingdom of Spain. Even his father, King Phillip II, would go to extremes in attempts to erase Don Carlos from history. Will Don Carlos fight for what is right, or succumb to his own eradication?

A post-show talk with artists and experts is included. When you RSVP, links for each day of LA Escena will be sent to you the evening before. 

If you need a last-minute link or technical support, please contact us here.

Inglés (sin subtítulos en español)

Situada en el auge de la Inqusición, Don Carlos, Príncipe de Asturias nos lleva al Madrid del siglo 16, un mundo de patriarcado misógino en el que una visión limitada de la religión y el estado aterrorizaban a la vez que se preocupaban por “limpiar” a la población.

Don Carlos era el heredero de la corona, hijo de Felipe II, el rey más poderoso que hubiese tenido España. Sin embargo, su físico particular, personalidad anómala y supuestas desviaciones sexuales lo hacían incapaz de gobernar, a ojos de una España intolerante. A Don Carlos se lo veía como distinto y por lo tanto inmoral. La corte no dudaría en intentar cualquier cosa con tal de que Don Carlos nunca gobernara el poderoso, puro y dorado reino de España. Hasta su padre, el rey Felipe II, llegaría a los extremos para borrar a Don Carlos de la historia. ¿Luchará Don Carlos por lo que es justo, o consentirá en su propia erradicación?

Charla posterior al espectáculo con artistas y expertos incluida. Al reservar, se le enviarán enlaces para cada día de LA Escena la noche anterior.

Si necesita un enlace de último momento o apoyo técnico, comuníquese con nosotros aquí.

Running Time: 40 minutos/minutes
Content Advisory: Ages 8+

artists + cast

  • Written and Performed by: Oscar Emmanuel Fabela
  • Voice of King Phillip II: Ricardo Chavira
  • Directed for the stage by: Sylvia Cervantes Blush
  • Film Direction and Editing by: Brett Calo
  • Lighting and Stage Design by: Justin Huen
  • Sound Design by: Jonathan Snipes
  • Costume Design by: Shon LeBlanc
  • Production Manager/COVID Compliance Officer: Julianna Stephanie Ojeda
  • Production Assistants: Patricia Vidal Delgado, Damaris Velazquez
  • Special Thanks: Frank Marino and The Guthrie Theatre (GEx 2017)
  • Filmed at: Company of Angels - Los Angeles, CA
Don Carlos

Photos courtesy of JJ Mack Photography.