An oasis for those who love classic stories. Los Angeles Times

Noise Now

Noise Now is an enhanced commitment to being of service to all audiences. We strive to celebrate underrepresented populations, communities of color, young people, and all others not equitably represented in the theatre.

Our stages have always been a space for healing. Today, connecting over universal human stories has never been more necessary. We look forward to seeing you at the theatre as we rise together and step back on stage.

Learn more about Noise Now’s mission.

Donate to Noise Now

Upcoming Events:

A Staged Reading of The House That Will Not Stand by Marcus Gardley

Saturday, March 22 at 7:30 pm

Sunday, March 23 at 2:00pm

Presented by: Lower Depth Theatre
Tickets for The House That Will Not Stand are Pay What You Choose with price options at $10, $20, and $30. Higher-
priced ticket options help support Lower Depth Theatre and A Noise Within’s Noise Now program.



See a list of our past Noise Now events here.

Donate to Noise Now

Support for Noise Now is made up of program-specific donations from our patrons (acknowledged in our donor listing), with the remainder covered by General Operating funds from the theatre. Noise Now does not rely on foundation, government, or corporate support. If you are interested in supporting the program, please contact us at!