An oasis for those who love classic stories. Los Angeles Times

Presented by TheatreWorkers Project 

Turning Points

June 1 at 4pm and 7pm

Turning Points

Presented by TheatreWorkers Project 
In partnership with The Francisco Homes

June 1 at 4pm and 7pm

Can you remember a time when you felt you were at a crossroads? When your life might take a turn for the better? Or for the worse? Most people take these moments for granted, allowing them to pass and accepting whatever comes our way. In this production of Turning Points, six men on parole from serving life sentences express the genesis and impact of their turning points through poetry and prose. During the Second Act discussion that follows the staged reading, the audience will have an opportunity to reflect on and examine their turning points and dialogue with the cast and creative team.

Pricing: Tickets for this performance are Pay What You Choose with price options at $10, $20, and $30. Higher-priced ticket options help support TheatreWorkers Project and A Noise Within’s Noise Now program.

"There are surprising turning points; there is the straw that breaks the camel's back, and you never know if your action could be the straw. "
--Frances Moore Lappe

TheatreWorkers Project is dedicated to providing opportunities for members of underserved and unheard communities to tell their stories through the medium of theatre and film and to providing classical and contemporary theatre experiences that reflect and illuminate the human condition.


TheatreWorkers Project believes that:

  • All human beings possess the ability to create works of art
  • Everyone has an important story to tell
  • The artist has the responsibility to address social and political issues
  • Participating in the creative process can be a transformative experience

The Francisco Homes offers hope and multi-faceted, holistic support to formerly incarcerated individuals aspiring to re-integrate back into the community.

artists + cast


  • Conceived & Produced by: Susan Franklin Tanner
  • Directed by: Lauren Campedelli
  • Writing Developed by: Marlene McCurtis
  • Script composed by: Lauren Campedelli
  • Workshop Support by: John Njoroge


  • Written & performed by: Bill T.
  • Written & performed by: D. Williams
  • Written & performed by: Daniel A.
  • Written & performed by: Frank M.
  • Written & performed by: Harry O.
  • Written & performed by: Steve B.
  • With support from: Gerry H.
Turning Points
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