Jessica Maker-Bilandzija
Jessica is a high school English teacher at Marshall Fundamental Secondary School in Pasadena. She currently serves as the Academy for Creative Industries cohort teacher for 9th & 10th graders. In this role, she has enjoyed taking her students to see plays, dance shows, musicals, art exhibits, and even New York City. Getting students outside the classroom walls, walking the city, taking trains, & exposing them to different aspects of creativity has deepened her relationships with her students and the community beyond the school. Jessica also serves as the President of the Board of Directors for Pasadena Dance Theatre. Jessica and her husband Daryl, who is also an English teacher, have three children, Isabella, Catalina, & Julian. They are currently among the many who lost their home of 20 years in the Eaton Fire but look forward to rebuilding in Altadena as soon as possible.