A Noise Within
First Rehearsal Recap: The Winter’s Tale
“Does not the stone rebuke me for being more stone than it?” – The Winter’s Tale, Act V Scene III Our production of The Winter’s Tale streamlines to the core story of Leontes, who transforms from an egocentric paranoid king who builds monuments to himself, to a humbled man who wants nothing more than reconciliation. At…
A Noise Within
Behind the Scenes of The Winter’s Tale Photoshoot
Is there a more fantastical transformation than breathing life into a statue? Thanks to the expert touch of our hair and make-up designer Shannon Hutchins, we sprinkled a bit of magic on our two leads – Resident Artist Frederick Stuart as King Leontes and Trisha Miller as Queen Hermione – to turn them into living…
A Noise Within
Meet the New Ghost of Christmas Past
Trisha Miller has joined our annual A Christmas Carol for the first time ever this year as our Ghost of Christmas Past. Get a fresh perspective on our classic production of a classic holiday fable and read our Q&A with her below! What about the role of the Ghost of Christmas Past appeals to you…
A Noise Within
Insiders Recap: Buried Child
Written by Rebecca Wilson For our final Insiders event of 2019, we were honored and excited to have Benjamin Weiss, of USC, as our speaker, and Angela Gulner, our very own Shelly, as our guest actor. The evening began as we shuffled in from the rain to the cozy confines of the conference room. Warming…
A Noise Within
Q&A with Michael Manuel
Michael Manuel has taken our stage by storm in several of our recent productions, and today he is talking about his current role as Tilden – the eldest son of the bizarrely familiar family unit in Buried Child. Get his insight as an actor and a prominent character in Sam Shepard’s shockingly raw and fiercely…
A Noise Within
August Wilson’s American Century Cycle
After the Roman Empire fell in the 600s CE, theatre all but disappeared. What was once a celebrated and communal art form in ancient Greek and Roman societies, theatrical storytelling largely fell out of practice. However, around the year 1000 CE, theatre started to make a comeback. However, the art form had changed. No longer…
A Noise Within
Donor Letter: Julie Daniels
My relationship with A Noise Within began five years ago when my daughter earned her Girl Scout Gold Award by raising funds to send sixth graders from a local arts magnet school to a production of A Christmas Carol. I still remember the joy and excitement of the students as they entered the theater –…
A Noise Within
Sam Shepard’s Oresteia
Written by Stephen Dickey “I do honor the ones that have come before me. It’s ridiculous to think that you are born out of thin air…. If you don’t honor your ancestors—in the real sense—you are committing a kind of suicide.” –Sam Shepard In a 1986 interview in Rolling Stone, Sam Shepard cited some playwrights…
A Noise Within
Insiders Recap: Gem of the Ocean
Written by Rebecca Wilson For our second Insiders meeting of the season, we were honored and excited to welcome Staci Mitchell of Cal State LA as our speaker, as well as our very own Veralyn Jones (Aunt Ester) as our guest actor for the evening. The evening began with an air of excitement as we…
A Noise Within
How Well Do You Know Sam Shepard?
Whether acting on screen or writing behind the curtain, Sam Shepard brought a critically acclaimed talent and a gripping presence that has mesmerized audiences for decades. How much do you know about his life and his career? Test your knowledge!