Bon Voyage, Madeleine and Leah!
By A Noise Within
June 15, 2017
Over the past few weeks, there have been some changes in staffing at A Noise Within. We wanted to take a moment to highlight the experiences and the work accomplished by two members of the team. We are so sad to see them go, but can’t wait to see what new adventures await both Madeleine and Leah in future endeavors.
Madeleine Emanuel, Institutional Giving Associate
What did you do at ANW?
I worked for 2 years as the Institutional Giving Associate. I managed and wrote all our grants – corporate, private, and government.
What’s next for you?
I am relocating to Minnesota, but I will also be working part-time, remotely for ANW. I think I will always be in development and continuing to support the arts.
What will you miss about working at ANW?
I will absolutely, hands down, miss my colleagues the most. From the outside, people are very familiar with Geoff and Julia, and our wonderful, talented resident artists. What they might not be so familiar with is how enthusiasm just permeates through every level of the organization. It has been an absolute joy to work with everyone.

What has been your favorite production?
My favorite might be Six Characters in Search of an Author. I had a really wonderful experience of seeing the production, not really understanding it, coming back to speak to my education colleagues, and having them provide extra material that could help me understand what I’d watched. I think that’s ANW at its best – producing these challenging productions and providing supplemental materials that really make it easy to better understand the stories.
What have you learned from working at ANW?
This experience has been a phenomenal opportunity – Geoff, Julia, and Michael really took a leap of faith when they hired me. I was pretty green and inexperienced, but they gave me the opportunity to prove myself, to write, and to learn. As I move through my career, this will probably the most formative experience. It’s a very collaborative environment that allows a lot of cooperation and feedback.
Leah Artenian, Education Associate
What did you do at ANW?
I was the Education Associate, so I worked for Alicia Green, Director of Education and Community Outreach. My responsibilities ranged from supporting education programming (so that’s working with student matinees, student groups, going to schools and doing workshops) to working with the marketing team (for program marketing and outreach to adult groups).
What’s next for you?
I’m going to New York to start grad school at NYU to get a master’s in Theatre Education – actually in the same program that Alicia did. It was through getting to know Alicia and my internship here, that I started to learn more about what it would actually be to pursue a path in arts education and educational theatre.
What will you miss about working at ANW?
Something that’s really wonderful about working here is that you really get to know everyone, and I think that we’re incredibly fortunate to work with such a wonderful group of people. I’ll miss the work environment full of passionate, motivated, smart people, and the friendships I’ve made with all my colleagues. I think that the daily inspiration and being able to walk into a space in which I feel supported, comfortable in sharing my ideas, talking to people – that’s really special.

What has been your favorite production?
I’m interested in the different ways in which theatre is incredibly interdisciplinary. Arcadia was full of so many fun new things. We worked with Julia Greer at Caltech and she came and gave a brilliant lecture on how the structure of the play mirrors the process of entropy. It’s incredible how the play straddles two different time periods, it starts with longer scenes and as the play goes on, the scenes become shorter and the time between the scenes lessen until at the very end, they converge.

What have you learned from working at ANW?
I think it’s been an really wonderful experience learning from Alicia who has been such a mentor for me, and has really guided me through learning in a rounded way all of the facets of working in arts education. I’ve learned so much about curriculum development, teaching, interacting with students, developing study guides, and just all the things that goes into making an arts organization run.
We’re hiring! Know someone who might be interested in joining the ANW family? Check out our opportunities here.