Getting young adults involved at ANW!

By A Noise Within
September 28, 2017
Written by Education Associate Michael McClain
What is YAC?
YAC (pronounced like ‘Yak’) is the Young Adult Council, and it has been a part of the ANW’s community for the past 4 years. This year, however, we are looking to grow and expand in new and exciting ways.
For many of you who don’t know, YAC is a quality training program for high school students that meets once a month at A Noise Within. It is for students who wish to engage in a professional theatre environment. During each meeting we dive into artistic discussions, read and then see the repertory shows at ANW, discover the inner workings of professional theatre, meet and chat with professionals to get an exclusive look behind the scenes, and attend masterclasses taught by professionals working in the field. Now you might be asking, “That is a lot, how much does it cost?” Well, membership is FREE! Every meeting is open to all high school students that wish to attend. YAC is a great stepping stone for those who want to know more about theatre and everything that goes into it. And what makes it so unique is that it is designed by the students.
“YAC is there for teenagers like me who are interested in theatre and want to learn more!”
-2017 YAC Participant
We had our first meeting this past week and the group decided to speak up and fight for what they want. We talked about seeing shows around LA county and having a follow-up discussion, a possible showcase to apply the skills we learn during the master class, a way to learn more about the technical side of theatre, and making sure food will always be provided at the meetings.
This was a tall order, but nothing that scared us at ANW’s Education Department. We are up for the challenge and hope to exceed expectations.
If any of this sounds fun or interesting, or if you know any high school students interested in all aspects of theatre, please join us for our next meeting on Monday, October 23rd from 6:30pm-8:00 pm at A Noise Within in Pasadena. Email Michael McClain <> to sign up. Hope to see you there!