Share your story: Jennifer McCreight

By A Noise Within
January 18, 2017
We chatted with passholder, Jennifer McCreight. Jennifer and her husband, Shawn, have subscriptions for the whole family to our spring season. Read on to find out what Jennifer loves about A Noise Within.
This season, I see that you have two youth passes and two adult passes. Can you talk to me a little bit about who you come to the theatre with and why you chose to purchase these specific passes?
I come to the plays with my husband, Shawn and our children. We have three kids (Megan, Nolan and Lauren), but Megan just went off to college at UC Berkeley so we needed fewer passes this year. This combination allows us to choose which plays we want to see with the kids and which ones will be a date for us.
Have your children always been interested in theatre or did they develop an interest after coming to see shows with you?
My youngest developed an interest in taking acting classes after seeing plays and performing in one at school.
What was your first production with ANW?
I honestly can’t remember. However, I remember getting the tickets through a school auction. I was so impressed by the quality of the plays and the fact that the theatre gives back to the community that we started buying subscriptions and donating.
What is it about A Noise Within specifically that made you want to purchase a subscription?
It is really close, affordable, and all seats are great seats!
Would you recommend your subscription to other families?
Absolutely—I frequently do.
Since this season’s theme is “Beyond Our Wildest Dreams” we’d love to know what show you’d like to see on the ANW stage.
Anything by Tennessee Williams!
Interested in purchasing a subscription? Check out our amazing deals here.