Patron Highlight: Westside Story with Ruth and Jim Dewar

By A Noise Within
June 11, 2018
We talked to Ruth and Jim Dewar, longtime ANW patrons, about their dedication that spans from the 210 to the 10. Despite living a Californian’s definition of a million miles away, the Dewars keep coming back every season and we’re ever so happy to welcome them each time. Read how they make things work and about Ruth’s favorite ANW productions.
How did you first come in contact with A Noise Within?
I first met ANW way back when it was in Glendale. My friend and I used to meet in town and go to dinner and a show most Thursday nights. There was a fabulous Italian restaurant several blocks up the street from the theatre. The first show we saw was probably a Shakespeare, as we were big fans – used to try to read the play before seeing the show. We went to more and more ANW shows over time.
Where do you and Jim currently live? How long does it take to get to ANW?
We now live in Pacific Palisades (where Sunset Blvd meets Pacific Coast Hwy), 37 miles from ANW. It takes an hour to get there without traffic, which is why we come to Sunday matinees.
Does the distance of your home to ANW affect which shows you see or when you are able to see them?
Absolutely! We are unable to come to the weeknight readings. Right now, 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, it would easily take 2 hours to get there from here. We do come on a weeknight occasionally for something special, such as Dinner on Stage.
What is it about ANW that keeps you coming back every season?
The classics, the Shakespeares, the terrific casts, the repertory company, the outstanding actors/performances, the outstanding productions, the mix of tragedies and comedies, the staging, the choreography, the variety, seeing old favorites and new-to-us shows, and the friendly people. It’s not uncommon for us to be watching a stage production elsewhere that is dragging and opine that we would rather be watching the ANW version of.
Do you have a favorite ANW production?
Can’t think of one in particular to name, so will mention some that I remember clearly: A Christmas Carol, The Price, The Miser, Noises Off, lots of Shakespeare, Man of La Mancha, A Touch of the Poet, The Imaginary Invalid, Waiting for Godot (first time I understood that show), and A Raisin in the Sun.