An oasis for those who love classic stories. Los Angeles Times
behind the scenes
  • A Noise Within

    Share your story: Peter Bachmann

    How (and when) did you discover ANW? I have always been a fan of classical theatre. I went to one of your early productions in Glendale and was immediately stuck by the quality of the actors and the experience itself. I have loved so many plays I’ve seen [at ANW]. Last fall’s All My Sons was…

  • A Noise Within

    Behind closed doors with The Maids

    SNEAK PEEK: Last week, actresses Jaimi Paige and Donnla Hughes (who play the titular maids, Claire and Solange, respectively) and director Stephanie Shroyer gathered in a downtown L.A. loft for a sizzling promotional photo shoot. ANW Artistic Director Geoff Elliott and Shroyer talk us through their favorite photos, and share a few tidbits about what…

  • A Noise Within

    Thank you Sophia!

    As August approaches, the end of summer marks the end of an era on the administrative floor of A Noise Within. Sophia Brackenridge, intern for the Managing Director and producer of July’s inaugural Resident Artist Reading Festival, will bring her season-long position to a close. Before she leaves us forever to embark on some new…

  • A Noise Within

    Sophie spends her Summer with Shakespeare (& tells us all about it)

    ANW’s Los Angeles County Arts Commission Education Intern Sophie Nelson (UC Berkeley ’16) tells us about her Summer with Shakespeare and what it’s like working at our annual summer camp for kids ages 6-18! My name is Sophie Nelson and I am one of two education interns here at A Noise Within. It is my…

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